Hope Shines Inc.

Hope Shines Inc.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

"Turi Umwe" (We Are One)

30 July 2016
Kigali, Rwanda
Sector Nyamirambo

"Turi Umwe"

We are one. The saying in Rwanda rings true and close to my heart today more so than ever before. Over the last few days, we've welcomed our new group of volunteers for our annual leadership and immersion program and with great excitement we introduced them to a great tradition and custom of the Rwandan culture today. With tired eyes and jet lagged brains, we took our hired van over to the sector Nyamirambo and met with the village leader, Bonani to get the schedule of the events for the morning. Today was Umuganda day in Rwanda!

Current day Umuganda takes place on the last Saturday of each month, from 8:00am to 11:00am when communities come together to do a number of public acts. Click here: http://bit.ly/2aDd3Vr to learn more about Umuganda. We arrived by 7:45am and waited as the village folks arrived to the center to get instruction on the day's activities. We were tired but still ready to get into this custom. The word Umuganda can be translated as ‘coming together in common purpose to achieve an outcome’. In traditional Rwandan culture, members of the community would call upon their family, friends and neighbors to help them complete a difficult task. Umuganda activities can be anything from cleaning streets, cutting grass and trimming bushes along roads, or repairing public facilities or building houses for vulnerable persons. 

Great turn out from the villagers in Nyamirambo

Our Hope Shines team were greeted by friendly villagers and immediately felt the awkwardness of everyone staring and showing interest in these new foreigners in their village....what were we doing here was written all over their faces. We immediately were given shovels, hoes, machetes, and a large area of grass, trash, and shrubs that we needed to cut down for Umuganda day. Everyone participated and it was a great feeling to help out the community where Hope Shines operates and make new friends and frankly be treated as they would treat their own family. I can't say enough about this country and the people in it. I've never been treated so whole-heartedly and loved before in any place in the world I've visited. 

Even New Yorkers (and Board Members) like Joanne can get those hands dirty!

Country Manager Phillip always smiling

No man is safe around Director Dan. Having too much fun!
The hard work ended after 2 hours and we all had a big sweat and plenty of dirt and blisters on our bodies! The last hour was led by Bonani as he spoke to the villagers about local priorities, the importance of security and healthy living, and by welcoming us once more. The village now knows Hope Shines, and in a positive 'light'. They know we work with THEir vulnerable children who have so little, opportunities or otherwise. It's a struggle here in Rwanda for many but we are certainly trying to do our part. Yes, we have challenges to keep the programs running, but I am reminded each time I'm walking here on flour dirt that we will make it work and we will improve lives of children in mnay ways. This day was great not only for our new volunteers but for the reason that we all came together as one....Turi Umwe, we are one!

Perfect togetherness of two strangers from very different worlds

Village Leader Bonani stressing the importance of acquiring health insurance

Warm Regards,

Dan Gladden
Executive Director

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